Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Poetry Book Club -- Read All About It!

I had an idea today, after reading this article by Neil on Poetry Thursday. The article talks about our reluctance and inability (to a certain degree) to comment on other people's writing. We instead leave a "Wow--insert your favorite modifier here" comment on everyone's blog. Personally, I think partially it's because we're out of practice on critiquing poetry.

So, I'd like to start a poetry book club on my site. This will help me read more poetry, because besides the stuff I teach, I'm slacking in that area. And it'll help me to remember how to critique the work and develop good critical analysis skills. (Wow I sound like a lit teacher!) Mine have atrophied a bit after graduate school.

Next month, I'll pick a book of poetry and then suggest a discussion date. I'll post a blog entry up for comments and hopefully, I can start a discussion about it. So, if you're interested in participating and would like to suggest a book, please leave suggestions on this post!


Anonymous said...

No suggestions on books, but I'm in! I'd like to learn about critiquing work so I can create better poetry myself...
I love coming here...

Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea.

re: critique...I tend to leave the real critique for people who have asked for it...sometimes firmer critique can simply squelch the desire to write, if given when it hasn't been requested.

That said, I am a big fan of reading someone's poem back to them: tell them what you see in it and why - focusing on what is there, so that they can see if their poem is doing what they intended and where, and if so desired, fix accordingly.

I'd suggest Paul Muldoon's Horse Latitudes.

Anonymous said...

I think I scared people on the other site about criticism..didn't mean to...I appreciate constructive criticism when asked because I can learn...I just didn't want to be dogged because I'm not at the point of creating poetry like some of the people on the site...yet...yet...

Sasha said...

oh oh oh poetry book club - may I join?


Jessica said...

Sure, I think anyone can join, as long as they're interested in reading and talking about poetry.

Remember, anyone w/ suggestions would be appreciated.

I was thinking of doing the new pulitzer prize winner, simply because I've never read her before.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested. Let me know what, when, where and so on and so forth.

Sasha said...

I would like to read Natasha Trethewey also. Can't wait to hear more of your thoughts/plans for this.

Deb said...

I'd like to join in. I had decided after MaWriPoMo that I want to be reading more poetry!

I'll pick up this month's selection and start an idea list...

Jessica said...

Great deb! Welcome aboard.

For those people participating, I checked around my town's book stores, which are pretty good, and none of them had it in stock. I had to order it in. Beware!

Gino Brignoli said...

I'd like to join too. I'm so annoyed that I missed the first book. Can I suggest Paul Farley's Tramp in Flames as a book for future discussion?

Jessica said...

Hi Gino,

There's still time. We aren't discussing until Monday, so if you have a good library or bookstore near you, you can still particpate...

I'll post your suggestion up for next month's book group and see who votes for it. Thanks!

Love yr website, btw.


Gino Brignoli said...

Hi Jessica,

Thanks for your encouragement, but it would seem that the bookshops in London don't have any of Natasha Trethewey's books available. Ho hum. Better luck with the next one.
