Saturday, April 28, 2007

Poetic Verbs, April 21-28

To honor my writing practice this week, I...

* wrote two poems this week, one for Poetry Thursday and one because I was inspired

* walked around Lake of the Isles by myself, which helped unlock poem #2. For me, walking and solitude = inspiration.

* purchased several books of poetry at my local Half Price Books -- 50 Poems by e.e. cummings, The Rings of Saturn by Diane Wakoski and One Red Eye by Kirsten Dierking, a graduate of my school's MFA program

* purchased a book of black and white photographs by Robert Adams, to use as poem triggers

* started a Poetry Book Club on this blog, to get myself back into reading more poetry

* listed my blog on several blogrolls, including BlogHer and Poets101

* submitted a set of poems to a journal for publication

* attended a writer's group meeting and critiqued/discussed poetry with the other member of my group

* spent 10 minutes out of my day on a work day sitting outside and watching the clouds (This freaked out a co-worker, by the way, but it was my lunch break.)

This is what I've been able to remember for this week. I'm going to start keeping a journal, to keep better track.

If you'd like to share your verbs, please do so in the comment section with a link or a list.

As a note, starting next week, I'll be doing my verbs on Mondays, because I seem to post more on weekends already. So, I'll post my next verbs on May 7.