Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Last Time I'll Bug You... Until Around October

If you live in a Super Tuesday State, please vote. Preferrably for Barack Obama, but vote your conscience, your mind, and your heart.

By the way, another important vote ends today. You only have 12 hours to weigh in on our February/March Poetry Book Club book. Vote!


Anonymous said...

I voted, and since I voted for Barak, I'll tell you!

Great thing, to be involved in the process as you were. Cute photos of you and your husband at the event.

He's been declared the winner in Georgia, but on the Republican side it might be Huckabee.

Deb said...

Yay MN!

It might end up being important in Oregon in May. Wow.

Crazy night.

GFS3 said...

I cast my vote for Obama last Tuesday. Plan on doing it again in November!