Friday, November 9, 2007

December Poetry Book Club Selection!

The poll is closed, the votes are in, and we have a winner!

By a landslide victory, Tao Lin's you are a little happier than i am will be December's Poetry Book Club book. I will be hosting the PBC discussion post on December 31, so we can ring in the New Year with a little poetry discussion.

I'm really excited to feature this book, in part because the author is also a blogger. Since the author is a blogger, I wanted to try a little experiment. Would you all be interested in inviting the author to our discussion? I think it might be a great way to gain insight into how a book is crafted and the author's intentions. Of course, I cannot guarantee he will say yes. Just because he blogs doesn't mean that he would have the time or energy to participate. But, I figure it's worth a shot. What do you folks think?

Either way, get ready for an interesting book club discussion!


Deb said...

It would be interesting to have Tao join us, if he could/would.

I'm glad you've skipped a month, too. Things are crazy for me. I can read this book on my flights to and from Arizona for Christmas.

I didn't realize he was part of 3AM. I stumbled on that spot even before PT...

Deb said...

I kind of fooled around getting this. I'm not quite sure I will have this before the plane ride I intended to read it on.